IT Usage Policy
- The students will have to follow the following IT rules and regulations:
- They will not be allowed to bring any IT equipments from their home.
- The Students will never use IT facilities alone, they will have to be monitored by teachers all the time.
- Usage of Internet will not be allowed up to the primary classes.
- Usage of Internet beyond primary classes will also be supervised by the teacher/lab instructor and will only be allowed as per the need of the curriculum
- Students shall not fiddle with any IT equipment if they are not authorized to do so.
- Students shall not set/retrieve any unauthorized passwords in any IT systems, heavy fine will be charged if a student is found to be doing so.
- Unauthorized data transfer from the systems will lead to heavy fines and penalty.
- Students shall not access their personal/unauthorized mails from the school IT system.
- Any attempt to surf any illegal/objectionable material will lead to severe penalty.